Friday, 20 May 2016


John 1:29 reads “The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him and saith , Behold the Lamb of God , which taketh away THE SIN of the world”. Wow! I read it again and realized it says THE SIN, and not even the sinS (plural) but THE SIN (singular, referring to a particular SIN). Wow! Jesus had already born or taken away this sin, of the whole world, He took that sin of the world upon himself, and paid the full price for it.

What is “THE SIN” that John was speaking about? When we read Romans 5:12-19, we learnt that sin entered the world by Adam, through his disobedience. Thus before the laws were given to the Israelites to obey, there was already sin in the world, which was the sin of disobedience by Adam, and this resulted in death (Rom 3:23) and brought God’s creation under the consequences of sin and the curse of the systems of the world. 

The law which was given was not meant to reduce sin but increase it (Rom 5:19-20), and the reason for this is for everyone to realise that no one can please God by following a set of dos and don’ts, but it is only by Grace through Jesus Christ that everyone can and should please God. That is why no matter the rights or wrong you do, if you don’t get saved through Jesus, you can’t please God because Jesus is THE ONLY way to the Father, THE Truth and The LIFE (John 14:6)

So just as how the disobedience of one man Adam, sin entered the world, the same way by the obedience of one man Jesus Christ, the full price of sin was paid, we were justified and made righteous, thus having a right standing with God. It didn’t just end there, we were given a new life, by which we have a family relationship with God. The very LIFE of God was imputed to us by us believing in Jesus. No wonder the Bible says that “As He is, so are we in this world” (1 John 4:17b).

So how about people who keep doing bad things and evil in the world, aren’t they committing sin for which they should be condemned? Those people are acting out of ignorance, whether they act badly intentionally or unintentionally. The solution to their problem is THE GOSPEL. Light has come and appeared to all men, but some are blinded not to see this light (2 Cor 4:4). (This is the reason it is important to fervently pray for people all over the world to come to the saving knowledge of the gospel). For this reason, He sent us to reach out to these people and reveal the light of the Gospel to them in LOVE, yes IN LOVE, not by threatening them with hell fire or by forceful means.  LOVE is the means to reach out to them and the language every race in the earth understands.

Nonetheless, those people who keep committing sin whether they commit it intentionally or unintentionally will not be judged for what they are doing because firstly Jesus already paid for the sin of the world which includes them, and it will be unjust for God to judge them a second time for what Jesus already paid for. However if they don’t believe in the gospel after it had been preached to them, then they bring upon themselves the sin of unbelief in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For this sin they will be judged, but not the sins they committed by what they do or don’t do. The only thing left to be done now is to BELIEVE IN THIS GRACEFUL MESSAGE

What if someone is brought up in a way that he simply won’t believe the Gospel? Would it be just for God to condemn them too? Now the Holy Spirit convicts the heart of men, however it is man’s CHOICE to believe or not, so that man can be responsible for the consequences of his decision.

Moreover God made man for Himself, and only He God can satisfy the soul of man, only he can convict man to the point of realizing the truth. However, it is man’s choice to accept this conviction from the Spirit of God.

Wow! This Gospel is life indeed! It is the solution to the numerous problems the world is facing today. If only we can turn back to God, we will find all the answers we need.

This sets me on my toes always. This is an AWESOME TRUTH that needs to reach the billions of lives in bondage. We as the ambassadors of Christ here on earth are the heralds of this good news that needs to reach souls out there. Whatever platform you have, whether on social media, your school, workplace etc, always preach the good news. SALVATION is for EVERYBODY. IT IS FREE BECAUSE JESUS PAID FOR IT. THERE IS NOW NO SIN TO BE CONDEMNED FOR. IT’S NOT ABOUT WHAT WE ARE DOING OR NOT, IT IS ABOUT BELIEVING IN THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST THAT IS BEING PREACHED.


Matthew 24:14 -  And this Gospel will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

Now This Is The Gospel

John 3:16 – For God so loved the world that he gave his ONLY BEGOTTEN SON (JESUS), that whosoever believes in Him, should not perish but have eternal Life (the God-kind of Life)

John 10:10 – The thief (satan) comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I (Jesus) have come that they may have life (The God-kind of life), and have it more abundantly

Having heard the Gospel, this is what you need to do (Rom 10:9-10):

1.       Confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord

2.       Believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead and you will be saved.

3.       Get a Bible and a book and begin to study how to live the victorious and blessed life you have come to receive

4.       Find a church near you and be consistent in attending

5.       Find below some websites which can assist you in your growth in the Kingdom

MY YouTube Channel:

You are warmly welcome to the God-Family!

By: Gifty Sitsofe Amewor


  1. Wow.....this is awesome truth. God is not even judging the world sin because Jesus oaid for it once and all, how much the new creation is has the very life of God (ZOE) how can God be angry with such a being. It is impossible and it has never happened anywhere in the bible. The only thing who got to do is believe and confess JESUS as your lord and personal Savior and that's all. And when you are born again you have enter a new realm of prosperity, success, divine health, upwards and forward only. In-fact you enjoyed the goodness of God. All is things becomes your birth right. THE SUPERNATURAL BECOMES YOUR NATURAL ESTATE. I LOVE YOU JESUS FOR A PERFECT WORK.

  2. Thank you all for reading and commenting :)

  3. Very refreshing to know Jesus did all the work of perfection for us. Bless you mommy. More grace for divine insights

  4. Glory to Jesus! Thanks for reading Daniel
