wonderful people of the Kingdom. We saw from our last issue concerning prayer
that God answers our prayers because his word says so. We also saw that God is
more willing to answer our prayers than we are willing to pray. Now to receive
answers to what we pray for we need to take not of these few stuff:
purpose of prayer is for fellowship with God, it is to love God. We do not pray
only to place a demand on God just because we need him. Otherwise we get
desperate in praying and frustrated because of impatience from waiting to
receive from God. Prayer is a love affair with God. When you understand this,
praying will not be seen as a burden, but always enjoyable.
we enjoy our fellowship with God through prayer, things you need are added as
and when you need them. Matthew 6:33
says “Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things
shall be added unto you”. If you are born again, you have sought the kingdom
and his righteousness. Every other thing you need for life and godliness is
added to you already. God doesn’t want you to see him as an ATM which you visit
only when you need money. What God wants
is your fellowship, your friendship, your attention.
need to get our motives right, we need to understand that God loves us too much
not to provide our needs. This perception will influence the way we see and
relate with God. When we begin to view God in this light, it will conquer doubt
in our minds about what God has provided for us in His Word. If you see God as
someone who is stingy with answering prayers, well then, that is what you get.
17:20 NKJV: So Jesus said to them, “Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I
say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain,
‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for
the scripture above, Jesus told his disciples to SPEAK to THE mountain. Many of
us instead of telling our problems how big God is and how He is able to solve
them, we rather speak to God about our problems, complaining and telling God
how big our problem is and how bad our situation is. For example if someone is
praying for a job, instead of mentioning a particular kind of job you want and
how you can get it in prayer, we most at
times tell God how our friends have already gotten their jobs and have started
earning, and how we are still at home
miserable! No! Thus after several hours of complain, we don't receive answers to
what we thought we had prayed for. This
is another reason we don’t receive answers: we rather complain to God, we don’t
pray. We make the problems look too big like we can’t do anything about
them, but the truth is we can! That is why we pray. Amen!
in prayer, we SPEAK to our
mountain, remember, it is not 'A'
mountain, but 'THE ' Mountain. It means you speak to a PARTICULAR issue in your
life. You need to mention the name of that specific issue and speak God' s word
to it. Don’t tell God how bad that issue is, rather SPEAK GOD’S WORD concerning
such a problem.
to Jesus forevermore! The last part of this issue will be out next week… Keep
Loving God !!!
read and share…Bless You!!!
Sitsofe Amewor