Thursday, 4 December 2014


Greetings to you Lovely buddies! I promised last week that I was going to bring you the last part how to receive answers to our prayers. Now the last part is this:
Mark 11:20-24 NKJV
Now in the morning, as they passed by, they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots. And Peter, remembering, said to Him, “Rabbi, look! The fig tree which You cursed has withered away.” So Jesus answered and said to them, “Have faith in God.  For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.  Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.
It is often said that 'seeing is believing'. Our main focus is on verse 24, which says that 'whatever things you ask when you pray,  believe that you recieve them, and you shall have them'.
Thus contrary to world views, in Christ,  BELIEVING IS SEEING. The ending part says that whatever thing you prayed for, the fact that you don’t see them physically doesn't mean God didnt give it, you should first believe you have received them, and you shall have it.
When Jesus cursed the fig tree in Mark 11, there was no sign that the fig tree had died. Its leaves were still green at the time. But what we didn't see was what was happening to the roots of that fig tree when Jesus gave the word.  Thus by morning, everybody saw the results, the fig tree had its leaves dried up,  that was when the disciples believed what Jesus prayed for the day before.
The world will always have contrary views to what God has told you. When we ask God for something, instantly there is a response in the spirit, the answer is ALWAYS released. It takes your faith and confession to bring the answer to light. The fact that you didn’t see your admission letter doesn’t mean that the administration of your preferred school is not working on it. Lol
Let your reasoning, your talk and your attitude show that God answered what you asked for in prayer. 
 Sometimes we get desperate when it seems to keep long, but that doesn’t mean you should despair, because the moment you do that, you have nullified what you prayed for, you have aborted it before the answer even reaches you.
So brethren, in-between 'AMEN' and 'THERE IT IS',  is our FAITH!!!
And you have enough faith to recieve anything you asked for in prayer, so draw on that faith inside you, and enjoy the benefits thereof.
Don’t be distracted by people and circumstances around you, that is why we need to FOCUS on JESUS, the author and perfector of our faith. In other words FOCUS ON THE WORD OF GOD!  When we do this, we will not be distracted, and we can bring answers to being in our lives.
WE NEED TO FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT OF FAITH. It means holding on to God's word and conquering doubt and fear, not regarding your present circumstances, but seeing yourself in the light of God's Word despite adverse circumstances around you. You just can’t bow to them! Holding on to the SPIRITUAL even though the PHYSICAL seems real, but believing and knowing that the SPIRITUAL is more real.

In our next post, we will talk about PRAYER: THE HIGHER TRUTH.
Please read, comment and share!!! You Are Blessed!!!
Gifty Sitsofe Amewor

Tuesday, 25 November 2014



Hello wonderful people of the Kingdom. We saw from our last issue concerning prayer that God answers our prayers because his word says so. We also saw that God is more willing to answer our prayers than we are willing to pray. Now to receive answers to what we pray for we need to take not of these few stuff:
1.      GET YOUR MOTIVE RIGHT- The primary purpose of prayer is for fellowship with God, it is to love God. We do not pray only to place a demand on God just because we need him. Otherwise we get desperate in praying and frustrated because of impatience from waiting to receive from God. Prayer is a love affair with God. When you understand this, praying will not be seen as a burden, but always enjoyable.
As we enjoy our fellowship with God through prayer, things you need are added as and when you need them. Matthew 6:33 says “Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you”. If you are born again, you have sought the kingdom and his righteousness. Every other thing you need for life and godliness is added to you already. God doesn’t want you to see him as an ATM which you visit only when you need money. What God wants is your fellowship, your friendship, your attention.
We need to get our motives right, we need to understand that God loves us too much not to provide our needs. This perception will influence the way we see and relate with God. When we begin to view God in this light, it will conquer doubt in our minds about what God has provided for us in His Word. If you see God as someone who is stingy with answering prayers, well then, that is what you get.

Matthew 17:20 NKJV: So Jesus said to them, “Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.
In the scripture above, Jesus told his disciples to SPEAK to THE mountain. Many of us instead of telling our problems how big God is and how He is able to solve them, we rather speak to God about our problems, complaining and telling God how big our problem is and how bad our situation is. For example if someone is praying for a job, instead of mentioning a particular kind of job you want and how you can get it in prayer,  we most at times tell God how our friends have already gotten their jobs and have started earning,  and how we are still at home miserable! No! Thus after several hours of complain, we don't receive answers to what we thought we had prayed for. This is another reason we don’t receive answers: we rather complain to God, we don’t pray. We make the problems look too big like we can’t do anything about them, but the truth is we can! That is why we pray. Amen!
Thus in prayer,  we SPEAK to our mountain,  remember, it is not 'A' mountain, but 'THE ' Mountain. It means you speak to a PARTICULAR issue in your life. You need to mention the name of that specific issue and speak God' s word to it. Don’t tell God how bad that issue is, rather SPEAK GOD’S WORD concerning such a problem.
Glory to Jesus forevermore! The last part of this issue will be out next week… Keep Loving God !!!
Please read and share…Bless You!!!

Gifty Sitsofe Amewor

Thursday, 31 July 2014


The problem with us believers is that we have a wrong conception about what prayer is. Most see prayer to be an application for God to do something for them. Thus they only pray when there is trouble springing up. That is wrong! We are in fellowship with God, thus it is as a result of this fellowship that we can pray to God. Prayer is a fruit of our fellowship with God. It is a medium of communication, chit chatting with God, talking with God, not only asking God to do something for you when you need him. Having gotten this straight, the big question now is, when we ask God in prayer for something, does he answer us? The answer is in the Bible, let’s find it out!

Firstly, people think that the parable of the wicked judge and the widow ( Luke 18:1-8) implies that every believer must push God persistently on a request for Him to respond. Now that is wrong. This scripture is showing us that if a wicked or an ungodly judge can have pity on a widow and respond to her because of her persistence, how much more won’t God respond to his children who call to him? A God who is love, and who is full of compassion and faithful to His children? Luke 18 v 8 says that He will avenge them speedily. So because God responds speedily to our prayers, we need not give up praying, but pray more because as we pray God speedily answers without delay and without us having to persist as if God were a wicked judge who needs persistence to respond Luke 8:1. God is not a type of the wicked judge. Jesus was by this parable giving us a reason and a joy to pray because prayer becomes a burden and unenjoyable if answers are not received.

 God will not answer you because you prayed hard, No! He answers you because His Word says so, ASK, AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE! Someone will say that because I fasted for 30 days, God is supposed to grant my request, NO! God will grant your request based on His Word, not your Works, this is what we call the grace of God at work. So we need to know that, God answers our prayers because His Word says so. Matt 7:7-10

Secondly, God says ask and receive so your joy may be full. Jn 16:24. This tells us that God desires to answer our prayers more than we even want them answered. He desires that we receive answers to our prayers so that our joy may be full.

Matt 7:7-8 says ask AND receive. Many a times we ignore the truth in this scripture because of its simplicity, and secondly because of our experiences. We don’t receive every time we ask of God, because at one point in time, we asked and we didn’t receive. This resulted in people believing that if we didn’t receive from God, then God didn’t answer because it is not His will. That is a mere assumption erupting from our experiences, but God’s Word says that. EVERYONE WHO ASKS RECEIVES. Mat 7:8  J This is the truth and reality, not our experiences.

Thirdly, there is also a misconception about praying according to the will of God. John 14:13-14 says we should ask anything IN THE NAME OF JESUS, and God will do it. Thus what you ask for in prayer is not limited, but how you ask for it is what determines you receiving. WE ASK IN THE NAME OF JESUS, that is HOW we are supposed to ask. As for WHAT to ask, Bible says ANYTHING. Hallelujah! God is bound by His Word, thus what God cannot do is operate outside His Word. Thus anything you should ask for should be in His Word, eg: good health, good marriage, schooling etc, anything you ever need for life and godliness. Hallelujah!

So having known from God’s word that the issue is not God answering our prayer’s, now let’s move on to the main issue, How do we receive what God has answered?.


Gifty Sitsofe Amewor