Thursday, 3 May 2012


Many a times every Christian wishes to flow in the anointing of God. We all crave one way or the other to “function” in the anointing. But have you ever asked yourself, is it real? How does it come? Does it come and go? You look at the Smith Wigglesworths, the Pauls, the Peters who preached and over 1500 souls were won at a go, whose shadows even healed the sick. Look at Jesus, he comes form his prayer closet full of the anointing and then news about him spread all aboard, even casting out demons and raising the dead is like easy.(Luke 4:14) When he encountered the devil, he won. (Luke4:1-12) HOW?? WHY??? No doubt, THE ANNOINTING MAKES THE DIFFERENCE, IT SETS YOU APART, IT PUTS YOU AHEAD. And God has given it to us free of charge, we don’t need it in heaven, it is needed here for WORK, for kingdom business (winning souls, building the church in love), and to prove to the world that our belief is for real. With the anointing, you don’t have to struggle to progress with this kingdom work. Its easy, naturally, you live the kingdom life….that is to dominate and to rule on earth: in business , marriage, academia, social life, spiritual life, everywhere.  
LISTEN, ANYONE WHO PURSUES THE ANOINTING AND FORSAKES THE REASON FOR THE ANOINTING, WILL NOT FIND IT. The easy way is to pursue the reason for the anointing in LOVE.(Gal 5:6) In love I mean, in selflessness, not for any personal flex or to make a name as the most anointed person, BUT YOUR DESIRE TO PURSUE GOD’S AGENDA WILL BRING THE ANOINTING. Many a times people pray for several hours, “oh God anoint me”. Listen, when you get into the thoughts and desires of God, the anointing automatically activates, you don’t even need to pray for it. God is now not going to give you a new anointing; the whole anointing you need is in you (1John 2:27). When you dig into it, you will find it and walk in it. Deep things calleth unto the deep J(Ps 42:7).
Smith Wigglesworth used to wake up at dawn to pray and make the communion for himself, at every 3:00am, he is awake. Then when he comes from his closet, operation in the anointing be what! This other pastor saw and wanted to go the same way for the anointing to manifest in his life. He also wakes up early, prays SERIOUSLY, and does the communion, but no manifestation of the anointing came. Then God told him, it is not what Smith did which brought the anointing, it is the heart and the love in which he did it. He totally gave himself away to the trust in the fellowship of God. SEE, ANYONE WHO DESIRES AFTER GOD, ACTIVATES THE ANOINTING. It is not the hours prayed, nor the tapes you play or the songs you sing or the scriptures you know(even the devil knows the scriptures), it is the love you have for God and how willing you are to give back that love. It is that love which will cause you not to even quite praying even if you are tired, it is that love which will make you want to know God more, by so doing, you CONTACT God, thus the ANNOINTING. Don’t forget, the anointing is in you, as you CONTACT the God in you, you CONTACT the anointing in you, by that, you will never run dry. DO NOT FOLLOW FORMULARS TO GET THE ANNOINING BECAUSE YOU WILL NEVER ACCESS IT. CONTACT THE SOURCE OF THE ANNOINTING, AND YOU WILL SEE THE MANIFESTATION OF THE ANNOINTING. SADLY, MANY CHRISTIANS WANT SHORT CUTS, THEY WANT FORMULARS FOR EVERYTHING…….GOD HELP US!!!
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By: Gifty Sitsofe Amewor
The thing about the anointing is this, this is how it happens, you enter into God, you leave with a divine attitude, you have a divine perspective of anything, things become possible for you. You see things the way God see things. You take it easy in any situation you find yourself, no matter how troubling the situation may seem. It gives you hope, the word of God becomes real and possible, you naturally accept whatever it says about you. At this level, you can walk on water, spirits will see your divinity and bow to you, you wouldn’t even have to talk. Hei, at this level, YOU ARE IN CHARGE!!! YOU HAVE ARRIVED!!! LOL. It draws multitudes to you. It gives you solution.